Who We Are

The Bay Area Community College Consortium (BACCC) is comprised of 28 colleges surrounding the San Francisco and Monterey Bays and serves as a framework to: 

  • facilitate, collaborate, plan, manage, communicate and inform career education program investments.
  • create career pathways through collaborations with K12 and Adult Education Consortia partners to prepare students for high demand, livable wage jobs. 
  • engage with industry and employers to develop curriculum and programs that address the workforce needs of our local economy.
  • advocate for career education policy and initiatives as the liaison between our colleges and the Chancellor’s Office Workforce and Economic Development Division.

Administrative Team


General FAQ

To subscribe, add your contact information at this link and you will receive future communications.

  1. Join our BACCC Monthly Call on the 3rd Thursday of every month 9:30-10:45am. Visit our BACCC Meetings calendar for a complete schedule and details. 
  2. Contact Kelly Green, kelly@baccc.net, to schedule a 1 hour BACCC Introductory Session.

Yes, we host multiple calls designed to foster collaborative relationships with our partner audiences.

Click here to view our most recent quarterly standing meeting calendar including a description and the primary audience for each.

Our “running” agendas consolidate all fiscal year agendas into one shared document. Links to these agendas are posted on our BACCC Meetings page and under the meeting date on our calendar.  Each of these agendas includes call notes, recording and links to presentations or discussion materials.